Basset Hound Australian Shepherd Mix: The Aussie We Adore, With A Little Hound!
The Basset Hound is one of the most iconic Hound dogs ever, and many people favor them as pets. Australian Shepherds are beautiful and intelligent herding dogs that are incredibly popular and beloved by many.
But what happens if you mix both of these dog breeds together? The result is a unique-looking crossbreed that inherits the best traits of both, with an appearance that combines both parent breeds.
If you’re thinking about getting one of these Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd Mixed dogs, you first need to get to know a little more about them, in order to be completely sure that they’re the right dog for you.
From their breed disposition to their temperament and physical traits, to their many different needs, figuring out if your home is a good fit for this kind of dog is essential. But don’t worry, we’ve covered all of that information and more!
Let’s get right into it!

Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd: History of the breed
Knowing a little about the origin and history of a breed can go a long way when it comes to understanding their disposition and tendencies, as well as why they have certain physical and personality traits.
After all, most dog breeds were originally bred for a specific purpose. Crossbreeds, on the other hand, are bred to gain the best traits of both parent breeds and are usually considered to be designer dogs that are developed as house companions.
But let’s talk a bit about the origin and history of the breeds involved in this specific crossbreed.
History of the Basset Hound breed:
The Basset Hound has its origins far back in the 1500s or so, before revolutionary France. They were developed to have low-slung bodies, and the “bas” from their name actually comes from the French meaning “low”.
This was so that these dogs could trail rabbits a lot easier, able to get into rabbit holes and other animal burrows, in order to chase them out where the hunters could catch them.
The Basset Hunter was further developed in England, during the 1800s, where it became a highly popular hunting dog, used in hunting parties all around the country.
With excellent scenting skills and a slow pace, hunters could easily follow the hounds as they pursued rabbits and hares. In fact, Basset Hounds became somewhat of a symbol for hunting in England!
In the United States is where these dogs first became popular as house companions and pets. In part, this is due to cartoons such as “Fred Basset” and many different commercials, which showcased this breed of dog as a friendly and homely member of the family.
They are, however, considered to be among the least intelligent dog breeds due to their stubbornness and independent natures.
History of the Australian Shepherd breed:
Australian Shepherds were first developed in the United States, specifically in California during the 19th century.
The name, therefore, comes not from their place of origin but from the different herding dog breeds that were imported from Australia and New Zealand, to create the Australian Shepherd.
As working dogs, they are incredibly intelligent and very high-energy. They are renowned for their loyalty and obedience, and ease of being trained in all manner of ways.
They are eager to engage in tasks and need to be mentally stimulated with various challenges and activities.
They are friendly and affectionate, perfect for families, children, and interacting with other dogs.
History of the Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd mix:
Like most crossbreeds, the origin of the Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd mix is a bit of a mystery, as there is no clear location or time period of their initial development. Nowadays, they are bred usually upon demand, as crossbreeds of different types are highly sought after.
They combine the best traits of both the Basset Hound and the Australian Shepherd, and therefore they inherit dispositions from both.
Personality and Temperament of the Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd Mix:
The breed of a dog is a pretty big influence on the overall temperament and personality displayed, so it’s definitely something to look into.
Of course, each dog will then also develop its own personality and temperament, which can be partly inherited from its parents, and partly developed from its lifestyle and owners.
With crossbreeds, they can inherit temperament traits from both parent breeds, and are usually a mixture of both.
Personality and temperament of the Basset Hound:
Basset Hounds, as a general rule, are very easy going and friendly. They are often described as being really chill and relaxed, so they make for excellent home companions, and are also a favorite amongst senior people.
As they were originally hunting dogs that worked in packs, they love socializing and prefer to have company. They get along really well with other dogs, and they are also great with children and people.
The only problem is that their strong hunting instincts might cause them to run off chasing small animals at any given moment!
They can be pretty stubborn so they aren’t the easiest to train. But they are decently intelligent and aim to please. They have a tendency to bark and to dig, so that’s something to train against early on.
Overall, they are calm and affectionate, perfect for keeping you company!
Personality and temperament of the Australian Shepherd:
Australian Shepherds are known to be very high-energy and active, full of fun and love. They are very friendly and will get along with other dogs and with people. Plus, they are great with children and in family environments.
They are highly intelligent and easy to train, loyal and obedient almost to a fault. They love being engaged with challenges and specific tasks, and they also love attention. So they can require a lot of time and effort on your part!
One of the biggest challenges with Australian Shepherds is giving them all of the physical activity and mental stimulation that they require. If bored, they can become restless and hyperactive, and could even become a handful due to destructive behavior.
They need to be entertained!
Personality and temperament of the Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd Mix:
As a mixture of both Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd, this crossbreed is full of desirable traits in temperament. These dogs are incredibly sweet and gentle-natured, loving and affectionate.
They are perfect as family companions, great with people and children of all ages, and great with other dogs and pets.
Training them is easy, with the use of positive reinforcement and consistency, and they are intelligent and loyal. They love feeling part of the pack, so they don’t do well when left on their own.
Instead, they prefer to be with their owners as much as possible or to have the company of other dogs or animals.
Physical traits of a Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd Mix:
Basset Hounds and Australian Shepherds are pretty different in appearance, so it might be hard to picture what the crossbreed mixture looks like. Essentially, the crossbreed inherits physical traits from both.
It can sometimes take after one parent more than another, so it might look more Australian Shepherd than Basset Hound, and vice versa. But it could also just be a pretty equal mix of both.
Basset Hounds are usually between 11 to 15 inches tall and weigh between 44 and 64 pounds. Australian Shepherds on the other hand are usually between 18 to 23 inches tall and weigh between 35 to 75 pounds.
The crossbreed of both these dogs can be anywhere within that range, but they will usually average out at about 16 to 17 inches tall, with a weight of around 50 pounds or so. As mentioned, it depends on which parent they take after the most.
They will usually have an Australian Shepherd face and coloring, with Basset Hound eyes and stature, so they have short legs and a long body.
They can come in the whole range of combined colors between the Basset Hound and the Australian Shepherd, and they will usually have mid-length hair that is soft.
Training and Exercise Needs of a Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd Mix:
Basset Hounds are slow-paced and pretty calm, but Australian Shepherds are incredibly high-energy and active, athletic, and agile. The result, therefore, is something somewhere in between.
This crossbreed will have medium energy, favoring an active lifestyle that isn’t too fast-paced.
They require daily exercise and will do better with long walks or hikes that are at a steady pace so that they are fully tired out and all of their energy is used up. It’s important to keep them well-exercised so that they don’t become hyperactive or bored with pent-up energy.
However, if they take more after the Basset Hound they will want to set their own pace and will want plenty of relaxing and sleeping.
As for training, these dogs will greatly benefit from regular and consistent training so that they have different commands to adhere to. They are highly intelligent and will benefit from mental stimulation.
However, they can be pretty stubborn due to the Basset Hound influence, and as such, they will require a lot of patience and positive reinforcement.
Grooming Needs of a Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd Mix:
Australian Shepherds have a long coat that is massively prone to a lot of shedding. Basset Hounds, on the other hand, barely shed at all, and have a much shorter coating of hair. The result in the crossbreed, therefore, is somewhere in the middle.
They will have a shorter coating of hair, but it will be pretty soft and fluffy. As a general rule, they shouldn’t shed as much hair.
However, this can depend on the parents so check this out! It could turn out that they shed a lot of hair, so beware!
They will need regular brushing, and regular bathing to keep the shedding under control if necessary. However, you should be careful not to bathe this crossbreed too often, or else it could cause dryness in the skin.
Longevity and Health of a Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd Mix:
Longevity can be averaged according to the breed, but remember that there are other more direct factors such as overall health, lifestyle, food, and similar.
Australian Shepherds have an average lifespan of between 13 to 15 years. Basset Hounds, on the other hand, have an average lifespan of between 10 to 12 years.
The crossbreeding of both of these dogs will usually average out at around 12 to 14 years, but it can depend on what parent they take after the most.
As for the health, crossbreeds have a significantly reduced risk of developing the main health issues of both parent breeds, so on average, this dog should be a lot healthier, even into old age.
But the main health issues that it might suffer from, inherited from both the Australian Shepherd and the Basset Hound, are hip dysplasia, eye diseases, epilepsy, and sensitivity to certain specific drugs.
You should always check with the breeder in question whether the parents have had any health issues.
Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd Mix: is this the right dog for you?
Now that we’ve pretty much covered all of the basics about the Basset Hound and Australian Shepherd crossbreed mix, it’s time for you to ask yourself the most important question: is this the right dog for you?
The ideal house for this mixed breed is one that will offer plenty of company, as these dogs crave companionship, and to be part of a pack, they prefer to have other pets around them rather than be alone.
They require daily exercise, preferably long walks during which they can set the pace. So you have to make sure you have the time to provide them with this.
They also need mental stimulation so that they are challenged and kept entertained, with different tasks and training sessions.
But overall, they are pretty easy going dogs that are well-suited to most lifestyles!